2020 Midpoint

Suddenly I look up and we’re more than halfway through the year. Seems like a lifetime ago that I traveled south to visit friends and family. Certainly things will never be the same. I’m thinking a bit of that old time tune – Take Me Home (to the Sweet Sunny South) It’s been part of the repertoire forever but . . . → Read More: 2020 Midpoint

What was Once Lost. A new book by Frank Smith about Nova Scotia Blacksmithing

Look at this! Frank’s new book in which he’s researched historical blacksmiths and interviewed blacksmiths practicing today (including moi) is available for purchase. Looking forward to reading it after many a lovely discussion about blacksmiths and blacksmithing.

What Once Was Lost

The Blacksmith’s Art in Nova Scotia

. . . → Read More: What was Once Lost. A new book by Frank Smith about Nova Scotia Blacksmithing