By Alexa Jaffurs, on July 7th, 2020%
Suddenly I look up and we’re more than halfway through the year. Seems like a lifetime ago that I traveled south to visit friends and family. Certainly things will never be the same. I’m thinking a bit of that old time tune – Take Me Home (to the Sweet Sunny South) It’s been part of the repertoire forever but . . . → Read More: 2020 Midpoint
By Alexa Jaffurs, on May 11th, 2020%
Look at this! Frank’s new book in which he’s researched historical blacksmiths and interviewed blacksmiths practicing today (including moi) is available for purchase. Looking forward to reading it after many a lovely discussion about blacksmiths and blacksmithing.
What Once Was Lost
The Blacksmith’s Art in Nova Scotia
. . . → Read More: What was Once Lost. A new book by Frank Smith about Nova Scotia Blacksmithing