Old timey Strap Hinges

This week’s project: a couple of sets of strap hinges. The ends are done in a pattern known as Bean, as in lima beans which they are supposed to resemble. This style was common in the early 1800s, particularly on interior door handles (known as Suffolk latches).

One set is 21″ x 1 1/2″ , the other is 20 1/2″ x 2″. Note the punched square holes for 1/4″ carriage bolts. I’ll have to fabricate the pintles on which they will swing. Hardware choices are rather limited in this part of the country but I do have a line on 5/8″ bolts that haven’t been plated or galvanized.

2 comments to Old timey Strap Hinges

  • Aubrey Hudson

    I am working on projects for the final touch ups for Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Middleton, and at the momemt I am working on getting the Sacristry Lamp afixed. Electrical power and a switch were added during construction, but the bracket we has used in our old Church was lost. So now we need a new bracket from which to hang the lamp. So far I have located a Stud, and have put some thought into a wooden bracket, but that does not seem to me to be solid enough for a long term fix. So now I am at the point of looking for other means and a metal brackes seems to be a viable alternative.

    I would appreciate your views on this problem

    • Alexa


      Metal bracket might be a good choice. It could be plain or it could have a few decorative elements to go with the church interior or the lamp. How large / heavy is the lamp?


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